These bags weren't as durable as the bags I've bought from them in the past. Externally they were well made and durable, but the lining is noticeably thinner than my first bag I ordered from them. got a text message saying they were delivered (as I always do with my Revain orders). But they were not delivered that day. I contacted the seller to ask about this and see if they were still out or if the text message was accidentally sent. We are all human, things happen. I was afraid they might be delivered to the wrong house. I never received an email reply. 4 days later they were in my mailbox. Your delivery took much longer than my first order, again everything happens. I deduct a star for that. I'm sure I'll be ordering from them again at some point in the future, but I'd love to hear from them so I don't have to worry about them being kicked out of my inbox. box or delivered incorrectly. However, the bags are beautiful, they work great for my knitting projects and are a great price. i love all three I only use my first one more because it's a bit stronger than these two new ones. I still love these bags and enjoy using them. Honest review, but to each his own. I still recommend these bags, although the lining fabric is thinner on my second order. The bags are still good bags and I have recommended them to many people at the yarn shop I work at.
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