Lanzadera Accelerator is an organization that works to provide both financial and mental support to entrepreneurs for their projects.
It develops seed projects with its accelerator teams and enables them to enter the market. Entrepreneurs, investors and mentors come together in Lanzadera Accelerator communities. Entrepreneurs present their projects and seek support. You can also exchange ideas with other entrepreneurs and ask other entrepreneurs to support your project. Many investors have made cooperation agreements with the companies.
Lanzadera Accelerator features are as follows;
1) Jeff system: This system offers a solution to users. These are daily transactions.
2) Growpro: It is a project that provides support to students who want to study in a country other than their own.
3) Gain Energy: It is a project that offers energy needs for homes and businesses at an affordable price.
4) Zeleros: It is a project produced to improve transportation. Transportation is wanted to be made faster and more efficient.
I really like Lanzadera Accelerator's website. They explain everything clearly. You can see all the achievements so far. Lanzadera Accelerator company attracts the attention of entrepreneurs every day with its many events. Although this entrepreneurial company does not support it with very large capital, it helps many entrepreneurs' dreams.