This is a great resource for all knitting machines. Knitters who don't use charts, punch cards, and electronic machines are inspired by beautiful pleat patterns. The author changes the order of patterns, adds color, sews without work, and even combines several patterns for a great dart of fabric. It involves color changes, unemployed needles - a little manual manipulation. Ideas are amazing and timeless! Unlike some books from the 70's, this book is fresh and useful for today's knitters. With full-page images, you'll have everything under control in no time! It is a valuable "must have" for every machine knitter. Tuck with knitting needles: diagrams and diagrams
🧶 Knit's Cool - Unlock Your Creativity with the Ultimate Knitting Studio!
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Simplicity Creative Patterns Girls 8 10 12 14 16
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🧶 Ultimate Knitter's Pride Magma Fold-Up Pattern Holder: Conveniently Sized 19.65 X 11.81-Inch Organizer
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Knitters Pride KP800352 Fold Up Knitting
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Soft And Durable Baby Blue Bernat Sport Yarn, 12.3 Oz, Gauge 3 Light, 100% Acrylic
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62 Acrylic Yarn Skeins Crochet Beginner Kit - 2170 Yards, 2 Hooks,2 Needles & 10 Stitch Markers For Adults Kids
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Bernat Pipsqueak Yarn, 3.5 Oz, Gauge 5 Bulky, Candy Girl
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Bernat Alize Blanket-EZ Yarn, Bright Blue
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