I found that pulsar was easy enough for me to get started with without too much difficulty. It gave us many things we didn't have before such as reporting capabilities. The customer support can be lacking at times, but overall they're very helpful and knowledgeable about our product. Try giving them some time if there seems to be an issue; they are always trying to fix problems rather than just answering questions. You won't go wrong purchasing this software! Before pulsar we were not getting any analytics into what posts where being performed through facebook or twitter. This made management difficult. Now using pulsar we know exactly which post has been successful and those that aren't. I like that there are clear steps of action for each phase during our journey from engagement with an influencer or fan until they become customers themselves! Also very responsive when questions come up - great team overall!! Nothing much so far at this time.. but just getting started here and looking forward towards more success as well :) Good idea & execution by them! Just get going with your own campaign now!!