They are a bit pricey but this is definitely a case where you get what you pay for and maybe a little more compared to cheaper products that break and don't work well. they are sharp in the hand and the bits are really suitable for sinking! I mention this because many of the bits on others I've had are noticeably small for the hub hole and therefore never center properly and make poorly sized and shaped holes. I really like the considerable size and the clean workmanship of the Set Screw System. They easily loosen and tighten again after you set the drilling depth, and then stay where you put them no matter how many holes you drill, be it softwood or hardwood. This design uses two beveled flutes so I get the best results when I keep my drilling speed on the high side and take my time to complete the cut. (This last tip applies to everything I do with power tools - take your time and let the tool do the work.) Also, they're made in the USA. If you're looking for a set of sinkers, I recommend spending a few bucks more and buying them. The old adage is true that quality is the best value for money.