Well I don't like to write reviews but when I do it is for a reason. This little vacuum cleaner is amazing. We use it every day on carpet, hardwood and tile. The batteries last about a week. Remember that the battery will charge in about 30 minutes (4 Ah). Even if you only get half the battery life, it's still great. The suction power is just fantastic. It is easy to empty. It's easy to clean. It has none of the flaws we've found in a year of ownership. If you bought a Dyson Stick vacuum, take it, be glad you did, resent you fell for Apple-style marketing junk, sell the Dyson for more than you're selling it bought. .If you already have a battery for this thing, it's a spoof that you haven't bought one of these little bastards yet. I wasn't paid to do this review, I just wanted people to give an honest review. TL:DR - buy it now you son of a bitch.