Well, this thing almost killed me. When attempting to charge, the connector head popped out. When trying to plug it back in. It exploded in my hands. It took me a few seconds to realize what happened. But could’ve been worse.UPDATE: Reached out to the vendor, I guess they have a solid warranty. Offered to replace the original unit. They updated the connector to hold a bit better. Can't say I'm still not a bit worried every time I touch it or disconnect it.
Jack Pad Adapter Anodized Black Replacement For B-MW 135 335 535 E82 E88 E46 E90 E91 E92 E93 E38 E39 E60 E61 E63 E64 E65 E66 E70 E71 E89 X5 X6 X3 1M M3 M5 M6 F01 F02 F30 F10,Mini (3 Pcs)
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