The jury is still out. I replaced one of the two and it took a day and a half - I couldn't get the old one out. I even pulled out the knuckle and the animal inside with a sledgehammer, but it wouldn't budge. I ended up putting my small kettle on it and after hearing the oil boil it popped out with a few thumps. Because it took so long I could only do one. After 6 months I went to another. I couldn't tell which ones I had previously replaced. I finally figured it out, but "new" has a significant amount of rust - to the point where it's very annoying. It has significantly more rust than the old one (which was just dirty). Currently works great! Exactly what I need to see. This time the exchange of the other went rather quickly. I immediately used a flashlight and it popped out with the knuckle. Now my truck has 190,000 miles on it so I may not get that many miles with this pair of hubs but it has worked well so far.