You can easily access documents in large folders, without having them physically present at my office or desk (in some cases). I hate how slow they load up if searching from home compared when working remotely; this has been improved over recent years though? A lot of people do enjoy using these programs because its much easier than digging through filing cabinets/hiding things etc., however sometimes there's too many options that you have no idea what option will work best depending upon which document was used last week versus today etc.; try out different keyword combinations until one works - i've had good luck by simply trying simple "name" searches within larger word groupings like date range vs exact terms such us spelling variations ea etc.. The most useful features are the ability to search for files on network drives and to preview them before I select them. It's also easy to search for a file you previously used. The search results are displayed in a list, so it's more difficult to select the right file. If you use Ultra Search Professional to find files quickly and easily, you should definitely try it. I use it to find files that I have previously used.