Came without a decorative cap, it's sad. The construction is incredibly flimsy, which is to be expected, and which wouldn't be a problem if the drive were easy to slide into place, but the SATA connector was incredibly tight, so it was possible to break or bend the whole thing. As a result, I was able to connect everything, but there were difficulties. On the other hand, everything is very tight.
I'm not sure if the seller is responsible for the delivery, but I will also indicate here:
the goods were brought very late (this is not a problem, everything was agreed in advance), he was very tired, which is why he signed the piece of paper without reading it. The courier called the paper a check. In fact, it turned out to be a retail sale and purchase agreement, which states that it was checked with me, everything works, and I am satisfied with everything. Fortunately, the device really works, but if it turned out not to be the case, then my signature on this piece of paper could significantly complicate the return of money for the goods, which I consider a disadvantage. So read everything you sign carefully.