Ellipal advertises itself as the safest and most accessible all-in-one cold wallet on the market, one of the coolest things about this wallet it has two major components the hardware wallet itself which is a cold wallet, meaning that doesn't connect to the internet making it isolated and the Ellipal companion application which is actually the hot wallet and the portion that connects to the network, the companion app allows for exchanges trades and account management on your mobile phone anywhere anytime. I love the idea of the wallet being isolated from any network connection making it a safe option, I'm always a big fan of a wallet that is usable without needing to be plugged into a computer, like most tech though time will tell if I can stand up to the scrutiny of the community and if it can really stand behind says that it makes from a security standpoint all in all I like the wallet I like the price point and I think it's a good alternative option to the other major players in the space.