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The first step to mining a resource is to prospect for it. To do this, a player must first move a unit into a region that has never been prospected before or that has not been mined for a period of time. Once the region is prospected, the player receives information as to the type of resource available in the region, the amount of the resource, and how long it takes the resource to replenish. Once a player has prospected a region, he can send units to mine it. Over time, each unit fills up witSee full review

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bittrex review

Revainrating 4 out of 5

customer service has been dismal. Just getting an account set up and running has been ridiculous. Response times may be days after the concern and some seem to just get left unanswered. the responses so far have been of no use. I finally got so frustrated with the service started searching on line for reviews, WOW, I'm not the only one with problems, Fortunately they don't have any of my money yet. I think I'm done. Bittrex is absolutely not suitable for novice traders, it may seem at first glaSee full review

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naiezi zirz.

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Joined in May 25, 2020