Neon District review.
To start by creating a character, if you do not have an account, start signing in to your account. If you want to use your 2FA account, you can open it as an additional security layer. If you are a new player, you will be given a free character to start with, but you will have to buy gearboxes to get the equipment to wear your character. Very good game. You can play this game by sharing it with your friends. I wish you great success in your work.Each Loot Crate costs 500 NEON and will give you 4 random items of common-legendary rarity as defined by the Loot Rates table at the bottom. (Loot rate table can be improved based on what tier of Key or Trophy you own in a linked wallet). Click a button for how many crates you would like to purchase or enter in a custom amount at the top. You will be prompted to buy more NEON if you select an amount greater than the amount of NEON you currently own.