Splinterlands is the most popular and registered user-friendly game in the world. You can instantly start the game easily understood. It features a site that impresses as soon as you arrive, much like other digital games.
In order to play, you must register and pay $10 in cards, digital items that are worth stats for each card. The game consists of fighting with opponents that have their own card game, such as call cards and monster cards. Players are able to purchase, simply sell and exchange cards. The features and functions of each card are its own. You win more cards and everybody earns more value when you fight.
The aim is to acquire and sell cards and you make big money once they develop value. I generally don't have time for gaming as an IT worker. However, I have to confess it's a little addicting.
Compatible on mobile and desktop computers. Multi-language available. Whenever you wish, you can play and win.