This is a card backed by the Visa company in which you have the possibility of converting a considerable portfolio of digital currencies into fiat money for daily use in traditional businesses, such as BTC, ETH LTC, since currently cryptocurrencies already have its established space in trade worldwide and in some European countries and the United Kingdom, this card can be used, which offers the generation of some types of benefits to users who make transactions. Taking into account that the euro is one of the fiat currencies with some support, but this card is one of those alternatives to further ensure the use of our money. Just as you can have its physical version, which can be requested with free delivery and also the virtual version to make a purchase through the internet. Another feature of this card is that it can be tracked through the link that can be made to its app. Anyway, just as you can have cryptocurrencies in a virtual wallet of your choice, we can have our funds within easy reach with this type of card. Although on the other hand there are additional expenses related to the use of this resource.