Previously known as BHEX, the HBTC exchange began its operations in the end of 2018. Now, 2 years later, it is one of the most robust crypto exchanges on the market today.
If you are serious about trading - you definitely should check out HBTC. The liquidity is great: the daily trading volume of the exchange jumped from around $150 million in June 2019 to billions of dollars today. There are always more than enough givers and takers.
The fees are average for the modern day exchanges - 0.10% of each trade, no discrimination between buyers and sellers. This is a moderate policy that might even be considered generous in comparison with certain other platforms.
HBTC also supports OTCs, fair deal trading and alternative contracts. So you can easily diversify your trading.
Overall - a great platform, I will be using it in the future. If you are not afraid of a somewhat clunky interface - give it a go!