The exchange platform supports most of the biggest cryptocurrencies in the worlds and is mostly focused on the popular currencies than on the less popular ones. So if you're looking to trade some less known coins then maybe you might have to look somewhere else for your needs. Hopefully sometime in the nearest future these coins will be added.
Trading volumes on the platform is no joke either, as the platform became no 7 on the list of exchanges with the highest trading volume in 24 hours. So yes the P2PB2B exchange does pull some serious weight. My experience upon visiting their website was quite splendid. I was impressed with the look and feel of the homepage design. On the home page you find such informative detailing their 24/7 customer support.
The fees are not so bad. But if you look closely, you will discover that even though the trading fees are low, you will eventually meet fees at the point of withdrawal. You can deposit however, with credit cards or through the wire transfer. Happily, fiat currencies are accepted. As a security measure, almost all crypto assets are stored in cold wallets. As a side feature, I discovered that P2PB2B offers a referral reward system too. So if you refer someone you will earn.
In retrospect, this exchange platform is a good one and I encourage and recommend it to all crypto enthusiasts and investors.