Various advantages: I spent the first winter in Hong Kong on them, and after around 5000 runs, I found that they were comparable to the yokohama ice guard 55. It is so quiet that the people inside the cabin are unable to hear it at all. Now I ride like I'm sitting on a couch; it's just a buzz. Holds the road admirably; on the approach to Sheregesh, I made a few tight corners at an unusually high speed, but the rubber handled it with the utmost dignity. Departure from the garage complex up the hill, and then directly onto the road; on the yoke, I could only jump from acceleration; it was risky; on the Nordman, I had all control. I slowly and steadily make my way up the slope. I got stuck in some minor city snowdrifts, but I was able to dig myself out without any issues. When I got new shoes for the summer, I checked the spikes, and everything is where it should be, and there is very little wear on the tires. Therefore, it is strongly suggested. Got cons: The price is greater than that of comparable products. The dealers cautioned that it was quite fragile and would quickly wear out if you drove on highways or rolled a huge mileage each year; however, this is not about me; I roll roughly 5,000 miles over the winter.