In an industry full of digital assets of different functions and characteristics; Selecting a cryptographic protocol that allows us to enter the decentralized finance market requires time, analysis and evaluation; since we would be choosing the management instrument of our commercial operations and the product through which we generate an increase or profitability of our equity.
For this analysis, it is vital to consider the speed or speed offered by the cryptographic token or asset that will be part of our financial strategy.
Token Velocity is a digital initiative where the importance of measuring the speed of the token and its influence on the gestation of ICOs prevails.
Why is speed vital in the cryptographic protocol?
The speed in the operation and generation of the token plays a fundamental role in measuring the value of the digital asset throughout its evolution.
In this sense, many investors or token producers intervene in the process of issuing these assets, through the use of tools and strategies that favor the liquidity and representation of the token in the financial market, with a view to ensuring the profitability and survival of the assets. themselves.
Why speed up tokens and not cryptocurrencies?
Tokens, unlike cryptocurrencies, have a broader utility in relation to currencies. For this reason; the generation and implementation of tokens has a generally broader market of users and investors.
Another important reason for the preference of users is that it facilitates their generation through the use of existing infrastructures or chains that can be used as models for their creation, instead of building a chain of blocks from phase zero.