We have a 22 lb. Pug and she was able to get through the nose in one day. However, after pulling the remaining stuffing from the head she has continued to enjoy the rabbit. The sewn edges are holding up quite well but the nose did not have any stitching so she was able to get through. This toy is a perfect size for a fun loving Pug!We have owned a few of the Tuffy toys over the years and those in the 9 and 10 levels have held up quite well.
Puppy Chew Toys Set of 8 – ZOUTOG Dog Rope Toys for Aggressive Chewers | Safe Material for Small/Medium/Large Dog Pets | Playtime & Teeth Cleaning
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TUFFY - World'S Tuffest Soft Dog Toy - Ocean Alligator-Squeakers - Multiple Layers. Made Durable, Strong & Tough. Interactive Play (Tug, Toss & Fetch). Machine Washable & Floats. (Regular)
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World'S Toughest Soft Dog Toy - Zoo Junior Toucan By TUFFY: Durable And Strong, Perfect For Interactive Play (Tug, Toss, And Fetch). Machine Washable And Floats.
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TUFFY Junior 3WayTug, Прочная игрушка для собаки (Камуфляж Голубой)
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Куриный и рисовый влажный корм для кошек с высоким содержанием белка - Purina Pro Plan (24) 3 унции. Банки с выдвижной крышкой
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25 Lb Bag Of Royal Canin Adult Dry Dog Food Specifically Formulated For Cocker Spaniels
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Feed additive Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Forti Flora for cats and kittens, 30 pcs. in pack.
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Instinct Freeze Dryed Raw Gut Health Boost Mixers - Беззерновая натуральная добавка для корма для собак, 5,5 унций (1 упаковка)
17 Review