The magazine was established in 1843 and it is still in existence so it has lasted for 178 years. The Economist is more than magazine,it is a mirror of the world based on my own perspective because it provides every single individual accessing their magazine platform with current information and updates about new technological advancement, politics, financial & economical news, covid-19 updates, arts, sports and many more from different countries across the globe are made available to readers and subscribers at their fingertips. I have been impacted with great knowledge and information by subscribing and reading The Economist magazine because the magazine is highly exceptional and during Covid-19 pandemic The Economist was an handmade magazine for reader, researchers and information hunters to free themselves from the boredom of the lockdown by giving them a glimpse of the outside world despite the lock down. The magazine has existed for close to two centuries by adapting to the changes in the world like changing from hard copy to soft copy which are made available to readers on the mobile and desktop device and by so doing, it has made the magazine accessible to people around different part of the world and it still remains one of the world's best magazines ever. I'll be appreciative if the cost of subscription can be reduced as this is a hindrance to new people who want to subscribe to the magazine, since they might consider it too expensive.