The unique make ups of an outstanding Crypto wallet are: security, affordability, interoperability and speed. TON crystal wallet offers you all the aforementioned and many more. Here's why I said so.
TON crystal wallet is a google chrome browser extension, which gives you a platform to access your seed phrases, wallet and both private and public keys without having to exit your browser.
Not just these It also allows users import thier existing keys, creation of new ones and puts you also in charge of how you fraternise with dApps, Dexes, multisignatures and bridges.
TON crystal wallet is a fully ungraded fashion of the famous desktop crystal wallet but with a more user friendly interface with speed of thought speed and security that top notch.
It connects you without breaking a sweat via its Free TON API, into all Web DOM, blockchain and smart contracts.
On TON wallet your privacy and sensitive information security is guaranteed this is simply because the website doesn't require from you any data and your permission is sought to read or write on any webpage. You can get started by accessing It on chrome web store, and it is also available for windows, Linux, Marcos while fastracking fast and safe blockchain ecosystem without any need for middlemen.
Creating my account on Ton Crystal wallet was the fastest and easiest in all my experiences with cryptocurrency wallets, all you need do to get started is the click the create my wallet prompt, then you will see a 24 recovery phrase, do well to keep in a place only you can access, then you input your desired password and you are good to go just click receive, to view your wallet address. It is that easy. A trail will definitely convince you.