That's all, with two caveats: 1. I think the gravity sensor sucks. It's not that it's poorly done, I just found that my computer/phone can't adjust the image output, so rotating the monitor vertically just shows me the same widescreen image. Compressed with huge black stripes at the top and bottom. It should be used in one orientation and not flipped around as they advertise.2. The USB-C connector does not withstand large movements during use. My port didn't break, it survived years of travel. But when you use it on your knees like they show, the movement causes frequent blackouts. Use it on a table, on the floor, or anywhere except in your hands or on your knees. I do that sometimes, but it's not a very good experience. Otherwise it's great. It works in low light if you don't have enough power, but a modern laptop can fully power one of these via USBC. The mini HDMI port works well for the Switch and the touchscreen is great. I've downloaded a few PUBG phones to it with no issues (except the screen is too big for FPS touch controls). It's been HEAVY in my backpack, and with care (I always keep it pressed against it with my laptop for extra support), it's never cracked, broken, or failed. Is +$200 for touch support worth it? It's up to you, but Superfect is worth the price. A truly high quality product from an unexpected source.
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