I've bought cheap bits because you can get a multi pack pretty cheap but honestly most of the time they are poor, not very sharp and dull quickly. A friend suggested I try the whiteside bat, I said what? I could buy four for the price of this beat. But it's true that you get what you pay for. I decided to spend the money and boy am I glad I did. This bit is amazing and cuts through hardwoods like butter with virtually no breakage. I've used it several times and it's still razor sharp. I will not buy anything but Whiteside right now. I've bought about six more in the past week and they're all fantastic. I can't say enough good things about Whiteside cutters. I'm dying to try one of the spiral pieces but will have to wait until the holidays. I have heard that the twist drills are very sharp and cut very well. Thanks Whiteside, I will never buy cheap junk again.