I have only used tenon and mortise bits so far - I will use a different bit in the future but that was more of a bonus when I asked about this item. The beats seem to be very well done. I've never put a 1/2" shank drill bit in my router before being a little careful at first and the first cut I made with it was a bit wavy because of it (my fault, not the router and of course not a bit) . !). But not only are these bits very well balanced, they cut wood as easily as I could hope for. For something like this it's probably best to use a router table to ensure the cuts are even across the length of the board - it doesn't help if the tongue and groove don't line up, I tend to use regular boards for future flooring projects buy it and put your own edges on it instead of paying a hefty premium for a supplier to do it for me. However, chances are that if you store cutting plotters, you'll probably want a custom box to keep them all in one place so you can see them all at once, rather than having to open individual drawers to find the one, you want. I'm definitely moving in that direction and don't see slightly subpar packaging as a reason for a recall.