Introduction: I had never heard about this program, but when I analyzed it I realized that everything that is transmitted is very interesting and does not have any waste. The truth is, I would promise to continue watching all the episodes and learn much more about the people interviewed as they have incredible ideas that they have carried out in their lives that will influence even our new generations.
Description: The White Spaces Show is a program directed by its host founder Pavel Jakovlev, which deals with all the important or relevant topics about the most influential people in the technological, business, financial field, etc. Counting and thus highlighting all the experiences lived throughout their lives on how they have been able to get involved helping our world with their respective ideas or projects.
When I saw your website, I found a simple and simple design but totally attractive for my taste, although I think it could improve a lot more. We will also find the social networks of the program, which are active. Plus, a bio about the show's host founder including his social media and personal email.
All interviews, as well as other live interventions or summaries can be found on his YouTube channel. Officially it has thirty-seven episodes, I hope to see many more since the topics covered are important to our knowledge.
Conclusion: This program will help all viewers to learn from influential people who will share all their experiences, ideas and innovations that have emerged from their brilliant minds to help make this planet a better world. However, they need massive advertising support so that it can have a greater reach to all people worldwide, this would be one of the great objectives.