Over time accelerators are beginning to gain prominence especially in the western regions of the world numerous business accelerators are being established but not all of them are good enough for entrepreneurs,so it s advisable you take your time to study the terrains of the accelerator company before venturing into their programs cause most of them are more or less a means of extorting from start-up entrepreneurs.
Spin lab - HTML accelerator was launched 6yearsback and I have been following up with every single bit of their achievements and relentless service as they have been keeping a good status quo based on their past records which I myself have observed hence it is one out of the numerous business accelerators that I can point out to for its credibility & authenticity . you have are likely chance of getting €15,000 to build up your enterprise which has no string attached to it, alongside other investors who might show interest to your innovations, ideasacknowledged them and be convinced to support you.