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Review on Wells Fargo by Kenny Moreno

Revainrating 4 out of 5

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Wells Fargo bank operates two branches in Alaska. The branches are located in Anchorage and Fairbanks, with each one offering its own services to customers who live in both cities. Wells Fargo operates the Alaska Heritage Museum on Anchorage's waterfront, which includes a large collection of Alaskan Native art, jewelry, baskets and pottery, shell masonry, and history displays about the state's gold rush era. Wells Fargo Bank is also headquarters of Bank of America and offers several financial products, such as savings accounts, high-interest savings accounts, money market accounts, checking accounts, and prepaid debit cards.
Wells Fargo Bank offers a variety of services in Alaska. One popular service is the Wells Fargo Mobile Customer Service Center, which can be found in several locations throughout the state. The customer service center offers help when dealing with customers who have problems with their bank accounts, online banking, mobile banking, e-payments, account maintenance, account inquiries/oversights, bill pay, and more. Customers are welcome to sign up for e-help or for account alerts.
Wells Fargo Bank has partnered with the Alaska Payment Clearinghouse Association to implement My Account for customers who are past due. Please note that My Account is an automated electronic form that is accessible via Internet banking. If you are past due and have not yet signed up for My Account, please visit the website at the Company's website to register, or call the Wells Fargo Customer Service Center to speak to a representative. Automatic payments may apply if your account is paid within the proper amount of time.
For customers who are past due but have not yet entered into an automatic-settlement program, Wells Fargo will offer the Principal Only Payment and Principal and Security payment options. The Principal Only Payment option is available for customers who have a current balance of at least one hundred ninety-five dollars and are in good standing. For customers who are past due but do not qualify for automatic payments, Wells Fargo will offer the Present & Future Savings payment option. This option includes an estimate of the borrower's future savings, interest, and charges, as well as a present value option. Wells Fargo estimates your present savings at three percent above the interest rate on your balance. You will be charged a fee for using the Present Future Savings option.
In order to determine your current savings status, please note that interest on your current principal balance will be applied to that balance. An additional fee will be charged if the bank does not find enough cash in your account to cover your payments. For customers who are past due but have an acceptable payment plan in place, please note that additional charges will apply based on your payoff amount and the status of your third-party fees. Please contact the third-party company for more information.
If you have not received a notice of intent to re-evaluate your account, you should contact the customer service department immediately. This will ensure that you receive any related correspondence from the bank. When you contact the Wells Fargo Bank customer service department, you will need to provide the following information: personal information, such as name; address; social security number; date of birth; and, a copy of your recent bank statement. If you would like to upload more than one document, you should indicate this at the time of checkout. Please note that Wells Fargo reserves the right to review all documents provided to verify identity and present financial status.

  • Preauthorized payment intention
  • Honest planning
  • Nastly past due item occasion

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