- It collapsed from the inside - something inside ruptured and, when inflated, a huge hernia began to form.

Bestway Premium+ Air Bed 67401, 191x97 cm, black Review

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Description of Bestway Premium+ Air Bed 67401, 191x97 cm, black
- The built-in pump is convenient. A good length is enough for my height of 183 cm (and there are also short mattresses). In width, a full-fledged adult single (and there are also narrow mattresses for teenagers and children, on which an adult is not comfortable). Well, the main feature is that it is as high as an ordinary bed, which is very convenient, comfortable and warm in winter. Plastic does not stink, does not slip, does not creak, everything is super.
- I myself like it when the reviews honestly indicate the shortcomings, it helps to make a choice. But here, no matter how I thought, I did not come up with any shortcomings. So far, this is the best option of all air mattresses and folding beds that I have ever used in my life.