At first glance, it is head and shoulders above other conventional routers in terms of quality and convenience.
At first glance, in comparison with all the rounded-glossy asuses, zuksels, longs, Mikrotik looks strange. Then you quickly realize its superiority:
1. Cable inlets on the front panel, indicators on the side - everything is clear and for people. And not as usual: indicators in the front, cables in the back - twist the router with a bunch of wires as you like.
2. When setting the settings, you do not need to reboot the router every time. For some reason, rounded-glossy ones need to be reloaded after each action.
3. The antenna built into the body gives a signal stronger than three huge external ones for rounded glossy ones.
4. Loads very quickly, many times faster than round glossy ones.
5. When rebooting, it beeps with a signal to turn off and turn on. When the router is in the corridor, and you set it up on the computer, it is very convenient. Of the rounded-glossy, no one does this.
6. Access to the admin panel is through the browser, and through the WinBox program by MAC address. In case you screwed up the settings, you don’t need to make a hard reset, you just need to go through the program. And in general, it is more convenient than a browser.
7. Settings can be stored in the router itself, and not on a computer / flash drive. Of the rounded-glossy, no one does this.
8. If the power supply breaks down, you don’t need to look for exactly the same in terms of parameters, the router can operate from a wide range of voltages, it’s much easier to choose a replacement.
9. The routerOS system allows you to configure the router as you like, of course, you will need a specialist.