Great item, great quality. Shipping needs to be clarified, was sent in the original box without shipping box and protective foam. Except for this quick search.
I've always wanted a really good steering wheel I bought a Porsche 944 last summer and my grandson helped me fix it so we're looking at one A few months ago I decided on a particular steering wheel and ordered it from amazon. Well they sent me the wrong bike, I was so excited to get the Momo bike I didn't notice for a few days. i keep it i love it
Supplied without shipping carton. When it arrived the suede was warped as if something heavy had been on it for a long time. There was dirt in the instructions and the steering wheel was generally dirty. The yellow line was brown rather than yellow. The wheel is stable and well made. But if you're paying new prices, you don't need a used bike.
Diameter 350 mm (13.8 in) measured from outside to outside