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Revainrating 4 out of 5

A good product, I advise you to try it.

-I interpreted that as a prefix to massive, ancient speakers because I had no illusions about the sound in stock. It would be nice if 5.1 systems could be connected. The screen itself isn't problematic; its monochromatic and low resolution are features rather than issues. Lighting adaptability is often very good! However I'm not sure what stops me from offering the chance to periodically display there information like the weather or the title of the composition. Nonetheless, despite being…

  • - The watch is always visible and will remind you of the date if you forget it. - This is the perfect solution for people who wake up in the middle of the night with a hangover. The sound through the aux is quite good. The subscription price for those who have other devices is close to the cost of the Yaplus subscription itself, and for it they give a subscription to four additional devices.
  • There are more microphones at the second station, so it makes sense that the percentage of command recognition is lower there. However, the level of rage is unaffected. Wake up in the morning and ask to turn something on can be quite challenging, and getting hanged up is generally unrealistic because in complete silence, a command spoken in a normal voice is recognized in 3 out of 4 cases; however, a quiet, unintelligible, fast voice immediately brings down the statistics. Alternatively, when you awaken. As the screen is actually only usable for a few hours, showing anything beyond would be impractical.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Everything about the product satisfied me, the price is perfect.

I'm glad I upgraded, but if the original still exists, there's no use in replacing it. What about music? I use this column to play music in the background while I work, but if I want quality sound with deep bass, confident mids, etc. at high volume, I need to look into more powerful solutions.

  • While it retains the same basic features as its predecessor, the sound quality has improved slightly, and the weather and time visualizations on the screen are more aesthetically pleasant.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

I am satisfied with the product, I recommend it to everyone.

I had higher hopes, but I must admit I'm a little let down. Due to the size of the clock and the fact that they are white in color, they are not particularly apparent; thus, you will need to use the old ones. It is possible to see the photograph. Even though the shot was stretched during uploading, the red clock has not been altered in any way. During the night, I have eyesight equal to one, and early in the morning, I am unable to see them at all. Yeah, and paying too much for a watch in 2022…

  • Until I understood that there is a caveat to all of the seeming benefits, I had no idea!
  • Hours (I will provide remarks below) (I will give comments below) Volume Alarm volume Go on conversing with Alice, even though you haven't yet fulfilled the request. Nonetheless, she completed it.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Just super, the product is made wonderfully, very satisfied.

The benefits of it include: When compared to the original model, the station has undergone significant transformations and improvements. In addition to displaying the time and other essential information in addition to the clock, the control has become more practical and easy to use. Additionally, the display now responds to the lighting in the room by adjusting the brightness of the screen accordingly. In terms of the sound, it has actually improved a little bit from the first generation, but…

Revainrating 3 out of 5

Overall good, but expected more.

Obviously, we can't refer to this as a serious topic, and it won't even come close to satisfying any complicated scenarios. She won't unlock the door for you and she won't tell you if the window gets damaged either. You will continue to sleep soundly even if you get drenched in the middle of the night. She will not call you on the phone in the event of a fire, nor will she switch off the gas and power. However, she starts playing some music. And this makes perfect sense, considering that it's…

  • Stunning and sophisticated
  • It will not contact your phone, it will not wake you up if there is a flood, and it is incompatible with any third-party window break, smoke, light, motion, vibration, sound, or other sensors that may be installed in your home.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Impressions from the purchase are good, buy.

It's almost as if a robot were occupying your home. The following are the advantages: It's reliable, the voice recognition is excellent, the audio quality is great, the alarm doesn't blare, the volume increases, and the display is excellent. Some drawbacks On occasion, he will respond that he was unable to locate the requested information online.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

I like the product, the quality didn't let me down.

My option is the best one considering price, quality, and the capabilities of the item. Because there is AUKS, they can connect to any stereo system, which means that Alice's older sisters will have an easier time winning 16k. Column nafig is unnecessary because the answer is "Yes, and for 12,000 there was a discount." A timepiece that has a pair of eyes. if Alice voices the time and weather, why the extra detail is not clear, also for money, especially since watches are everywhere anyway…

  • I was given the second one as a present, and both components of the stereo pair function properly.
  • The Bluetooth stereo is not functioning properly. In the weak light, the plus and minus symbols that are printed on the surface of the column are utterly unreadable. It would be preferable if there were inserts with different colors.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

I definitely recommend buying, I didnt notice any disadvantages.

In general, a really enjoyable piece of technology that elevates one's standard of living. With all of its perks. A very comfortable piece of apparatus. In my perspective, Alice possesses her very own distinct personality. She took offense when someone inadvertently brought up the remark that "Alice is a robot" while they were having a conversation with her. Now, if we do not want her to react and comprehend that we are talking about her, we will refer to her as "device on A." Here are the cons

Revainrating 5 out of 5

The best purchase in my life, I will definitely buy it again.

The best possible thing. controls the television, music, information, and entertainment. It also dims and brightens the lights. And she won the youngsters' hearts right away. The volume is adequate for a 15 m2 room, but in my opinion it is not sufficient. It sounds great. It is this version with a screen that is very convenient; without it, I believe it is less informative (I'm not an audiophile, so I'm good). Excellent product; I endorse it to everyone!

  • multifunctional
  • In actuality, no, but occasionally, when you talk in a regular voice, it responds in a whisper for some reason; either my voice is quiet, or the program is set up in that way.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

A good product, more pros than cons.

despite the fact that I gave it four stars, because. I have emailed the support team and am awaiting a response. The family is pleased with the column, and I am pleased as well; the only thing holding us back is the fact that Alice does not recognize me and does not introduce me. And one last thing. One user can only have a column at a time. The user begins by constructing a home, after which he registers a column there. Invite other people to Alice's house if you want her to recognize them as

  • We made the decision to present our parents with a little station, and they were overjoyed. They engage in conversation with Alice, set alarms, check the weather, and other activities. They also talked to Alice, and she now recognizes them both by their voices and plays the music that they enjoy the most. In addition to that, she is able to play any song that you specify. Take, for instance, the command, "Alice, please turn on the music for work." If Alice hears someone speaking to her in a whisper, she immediately changes her tone of voice to match the volume of the whisper. Alice also has a game in which you can build towns.
  • Alice doesn't want to meet me. My mother and I share some vocal characteristics, but it's not a perfect match. She would always respond that she already knew me whenever I sought to get to know her better. Now since I haven't had the opportunity to get to know her, I've written to support, and I'm currently waiting for them to remotely eat the column. Whenever Alice and I have a conversation, she refers to me by the name of my mother.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Nice price, good quality.

The initial event that made me sweat was)))) I opened the package and connected it, but the clock is not working. Dang, I guess they sneaked a version without a clock in there instead of one with one. In summary, I made the decision to wait; they finally showed up after waiting for about 10 seconds; thank God, otherwise, the return process and the possibility of having a bad mood flashed before my eyes. Then they vanished once more before coming back. I ran it through several scenarios…

  • The gadget is now more intriguing, useful, or whatever))) Everything becomes instantaneously legal thanks to it, and 5Hz is just what the doctor ordered.
  • 1. The scoreboard's brightness cannot be changed. 2. A little surprise was generated by the scoreboard's very design. When you ask to discuss the weather, the degrees are displayed, sort of, much to the right of the axis of looking at the clock, and you have to turn your head to the right to accurately see the value. However, this disadvantage is due specifically to the design of the scoreboard. This also holds true for the visualization of music, incidentally. Yet we work with what we have. 3. I got the impression that this Mini's microphones don't function as well as the previous one; you have to turn up the volume before other rooms' speakers start to respond, and this one seems to be out of business.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

The best thing I've ever used, I recommend it to everyone!

For a very long time, I have desired a column like this. like a lot. Friends were grateful, and now everyone is aware of what they want for New Year's Eve.

  • The gift was a smart light bulb. A dial is present. Everything functions.
  • No. Specifically, we are currently conversing with Alice as we hang out.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

The best thing Ive ever used, a great item for everyone!

Pros: A clock and an Alice-adorned column added comfort to the home. We listen to the morning and evening shows as well as mood-appropriate music. Pros below: The connecting and recognition of several people's accounts is insufficient. Hence, preferences go to the person who speaks with Alice.