- Price quality
- I made a request through AliExpress, and they responded by saying that the issue is resolved and that the seller had provided all the necessary certifications and, in general, the original oil. Additionally, they urged me to proceed with the purchase.
- Doubtful
- Original.
- What are the disadvantages here.
- The order cost 3610, to be honest, I was afraid that a fake or a Lukoil spill would come. Finally the European Union. Before that, I read the reviews of the supplier, they all write a good company. Delivered to the door by courier, there are no complaints at all, everything is clear.
- "Native" oil is inexpensive. Production - Germany, EU
- Looks original
- Not revealed yet
- Haven't found yet
- The very first is not the correct description
- Native to the Chevrolet Cruze 1.8, I took 5 liters. I have a 4.6 engine oil
- They just don't exist
- All
- The oil is inexpensive, the engine runs quite softly, starting in cold weather is excellent.
- It's easy to run into a fake. And even the original still gives varnish deposits.