With metamask wallet you can manage all your erc 20 base token in one wallet. You can import any of your wallet into metamask, what you just need is to input your private key and you are good to go, but you must know that if you import an account it will only be viewable in metamask but can not recover the coins inside that wallet for you with metamask seed phrase, in essence though you might have import an account you will still need to keep the seed phrase of such account.
With metamask wallet you can manage all your erc 20 base token in one wallet. You can import any of your wallet into metamask, what you just need is to input your private key and you are good to go, but you must know that if you import an account it will only be viewable in metamask but can not recover the coins inside that wallet for you with metamask seed phrase, in essence though you might have import an account you will still need to keep the seed phrase of such account.
Metamask is not only a wallet but can also be use as Brower because it has inbuilt Brower extensions.
There are also collectibles inside metamask. So if you are looking for a wallet that will help you to manage your erc 20 tokens metamask may be good for you.