Very good debit card considered among the best in the world, which is regulated and authorized by the European Union, of very good prestige worldwide, has a large portfolio of associated customers and is supported by the company Master Card, undoubtedly this is a good thermometer to measure its quality,
It has a good savings plan with good interests if you keep deposits in dollars, euros or pounds sterling of 12% per year payable daily, 8% if in crypto-currency and a special plan in its own nexus token that is distributed to the holders of that token, as for security has an insurance policy to cover any eventuality.
A very attractive feature of the token is that if you apply for loans, every time you pay with your card you will be paying off the balance of the loan, you do not need to sell your crypto to pay off the loan.
As for the costs, it is free, there is no cost for its issuance, no monthly fee and no fee for ATM withdrawals. The fees per transaction could be said to be zero since it has a refund system. There is a modality to apply for instant loans with an interest of 5.9%.
This card is openly recommended because of its benefits. You can download it for free from your cell phone, whether it is the IOs or Android operating system, and use it in many countries around the world.