Atomars is a global digital asset trading platform that links and allow interactions between fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies. It is a centralized exchange registered in the Seychelles blockchain.
There have not been much difficulties for me upon operating on this platform. Although I could not purchase any coin on my first attempt because deposits are only with cryptocurrencies and I was short of cryptocurrencies at that time, for my love for the platform, I simply followed the instructions set on the platform. I used the Exchange filter available on it to search for other platforms that allow wire transfer and regular cash deposit in exchange for other cryptocurrencies.
After searching, I didn't find any platform different from the ones I've used before so I used my Kucoin exchange to purchase Bitcoin and transferred it to my Atomars account. Atomars offers high security standard and 24/7 quality support, I get updates on the prices of coins available on my Atomars account. I don't use deckstops for transactions but a mobile phone, Atomars is not yet available on iPhones so I use my Android phone for my transactions. There are withdrawal fees but at flat rates, on withdrawing my Bitcoin, I was charged 0.0005BTC which has been the same for every withdrawal I make on BTC via Atomars.
In conclusion, I must confess that this platform has awesome features, it is user friendly, fast and secure but it is left for you to choose a trading platform that will suit you if you don't find Atomars interesting.