I do mathematical calculations in principle, and I should even mention that the alternative encryption platform ATO MARS is one of the good alternative sharing platforms on the Internet. I started to pay interest on decisions made in Seychelles in a country I had never heard of. Earlier, because it is now the location of many encryption blocking platforms' reputation. I did some research to understand why they settled here. Compared with many unique countries, Seychelles views cryptocurrency from a softer and stronger perspective. Hunting in China is an important and great feature of their own alternative platform. Now I want to tell you some information about the ATO MARS shared alternative. According to the information written on the ATO MARS Coinmarketcap platform, it is mainly based on the next two years of 2019. The platform is a very high bandwidth platform with a daily transaction volume of approximately US$50 million. The 2-year subscription to the platform is very simple and very fast. It is not difficult to see that they are charging a positive transaction fee for the transactions they conduct, but I think they will do so for free now. A lot of money, I think it will be a wonderful move. The platform is indeed a platform that needs to be taken care of. Although it became the main base after 2 years, it is an alternative platform with a large number of purchases and promotions every day, making customers from many countries undoubtedly unique and able to conduct safer transactions every day.