so let's start by saying this is obviously one of the greatest coins and protocols out there. However I'm just gonna give you the honest thoughts of someone who simply does his research and doesn't want to use huge complicated words to confuse you or make myself look soo smart 😉
This is a great coin and it's probably one of the first functional coins that came around. What that means is it was created to facilitate and be used as a platform for other purposes and goals that could be improved using blockchain technology. Whoo what a doozy lol. It's really just a decentralized program that uses smart contracts(applications) to do a variety of goals and functions. It's really useful for people and developers working on blockchain technology.
The creator is Vitalki Buterin a pretty smart guy( follows the typical college dropout turned successs story) that everyone is familiar with. He seems to be very passionate and dedicated to the project and loves to throw stacks of cash at philanthropic projects so you just know he will be one of the greats ;p. Truthfully though man seems to have his head on his shoulders and he averted a potential security disaster for the coin in 2016 in an incident known as "the DAO" I'm not about to go into Wikipedia style details about it but that's why it's there so go Google it yourself. Needless to say this exposed small security concerns that have since been dealt with but did not look great on Vitalik.
This coin could growto huge heights buts it's obviously not the 12000% overnight celebrity coin. IT is a great coin to hold if you respect and appreciate blockchain technology and are looking cor steady gains throughout the years. Overall a 3/5 but I could easily give it 4 it's just a little to overhyped in my opinion.
The main problem that I see is that it still uses a lot of energy to operate primarily because it's proof of work rather than proof of stake or otherwise. All that really means is it's not really the "greenest" coin out there and in this day and age of Elon Musk tweets one can't be too careful. There are plans to gradually switch it over to a less energy intensive consensus model but until that happens it's a big weakness of an otherwise wonderful token!