JBOX is a cryptocurrency exchange platform which is not yet launched but is seriously in progress with mouth watering benefits that can be obtained from it. A very substantial benefit obtainable from this cryptocurrency exchange platform is the act of being payed for either providing or even viewing, Wow! Viewing. Unlike other platforms outside the block chain like the very popular YouTube and Snapchat where only the provider of the streamed videos gets rewarded, JBOX in it's own case pays both, how astonishing! JBOX, an Ethereum based block chain has its own token called JBOX councoin token and rewards are given in the form of this token, although presently, it is believed that it's market value would be very low when launched, I strongly believe that in the nearest future it will rise greatly as there would be many users trooping into this cryptocurrency exchange platform due to it's special features like being payed for either watching, uploading or downloading videos and it is also projected that JBOX platform would after 3years of being launched offer free internet services worldwide, unbelievable! But actually true. This service would be unlimited and no payment would be needed to gain
JBOX has really left me and so many others in suspense, join us in awaiting this profit oriented cryptocurrency exchange platform. JBOX!