Project that I could call a hybrid of the blockchain technology in which it relies on the youtube platform to publish technological videos of interest based on new block chain technologies with an excellent moderator like the young Pavel Jakovlev who masterfully does each interview to professional guests from various specialties. All videos are free to watch on the platform and no registration is required.
The project has been initiated and has a small audience, but I have no doubt that it will gain a good audience as it becomes better known, that generally depends on the topics and guests that will be presented in the future, it will take some time but the success will come.
It reminded me a lot of a very interesting and successful program of a Spanish science popularizer who unfortunately died a couple of years ago.
I highly recommend this project for entrepreneurs and people in general who love new technologies, and have a means to grow professionally from the information captured in the interviewees.
In particular as a web developer I liked it very much because I have a music video development in progress