H-Farm accelerator program is one positioned in the European market to produce innovative products from ideas of entrepreneurs. The accelerator program they have created has seen many established projects, get more interaction, funding, networking resources among other resources, made available to them. H-Farm really seems to have cemented it's place by getting support from major companies like Audi and Cisco. A lot of research was carried out to know how it's incubation works. The H-Farm Incubator programs which takes a period of 4 months, helps to teach the entrepreneurs, expand the horizons of the entrepreneurs and Finally, get them funded for the upstart of their projects. H-Farm has been so far, very successful with a lot of good companies accredited to its name. The program which works more like a Camping program, helps to alleviate stress and give the entrepreneurs room for more thinking capacity.
To end this review, one other product of H-Farm that caught my fantasy was it's summer camps for 5-19 year olds, which focuses on Technology among other market disruptive selection for their time. The products of H-Farm are surprisingly very vast. It's track record is good enough for any budding enterprise to get listed under their umbrella. I highly suggest them, especially if you have a market disruptive idea.