I purchased a set of four 185/65R14 tires from the final remaining stock of a genuine khaki 8 (nenordman) at the beginning of September for $4140. I compared it to Nordman 8 in the store and could tell right away that it was different without even looking closely. The spikes were shorter on Nordman 8, the sidewall and working surface were more flexible in Nordman 8, and the rubber (the actual material) felt different. Yes, I have all the wheels, and they're all at least a year old and from various batches. This, however, is probably the only item that will satisfy a Nordman buyer or someone considering making a purchase right now. AND IMPORTANT: (not making any assumptions based on gender) if you have already sliced through your tires due to potholes, and someone else will be responsible for checking the pressure, then you should choose tires from any top brand that offers a lifetime warranty on conditions like Khaki. This will save you money compared to the cost of a new tire or driving on a patched one.