Ardor is an architecture of Blockchain-as-a-Service ( BaaS) that enables anyone to develop their own blockchain. In the Ardor system, the network consists of a main chain responsible for blockchain security and many customizable side chains, called "child chains".
Each child chain is related to the main chain and requires the main chain for verification. Child chains are simple to set up and are modular and highly flexible. As a consensus framework, proof-of-Stake is used. It is also feasible to pay transaction fees in native tokens of child chains with Ardors' special framework. Ardor uses chosen nodes that translate these particular tokens into Ardor 's native token, ARDR.
In ARDR, each validator is then paid for. Ardor does renders blockchain technologies accessible without the need to create a complete blockchain for every person and a particular use-case. A child chain with Ardor and security can be formed easily by any current organization, and decentralization is given by the main chain, the Ardor root layer. And each child chain can use its own native token; to allow transactions in the system, it is not mandatory for users to keep ARDR tokens.