Metamask, sponsored by Ethereum, has revolutionized the world of wallets; simplifying the use of DApps due to the implementation of the use of an extension for web browsers. This technology allows Metamask to serve as an intermediary between Ethereum's other blockchain DApps and users, streamlining the use and enjoyment of these wallets.
Metamask is sponsored by the Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Brave browsers; This has allowed him to bring viewers closer to the world of DApps.
The vision of the Metamask developers was to create an application capable of interconnecting with the Ethereum blockchains; so that both the web pages and their extensions could enjoy the technological benefits that Ethereum offers, contained in the encryption of the web3.js library. In this sense, its premise is to constitute a wallet for Ethereum and an instrument of interaction between DApps.
The functions that Metamask offers to its users range from the purchase or sale of tokens to the enjoyment of any other service offered by this application. These benefits have a cost for its users and must be paid to Ethereum or in a token that has been stipulated in the application.