Using the blockchain as a development platform and cryptocurrency, it connects developers and users. On the Ethereum network, decentralized applications can run independently, interacting with users through smart contract execution. ERC-20 tokens can be produced by any decentralized application that trades on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing for fundraising and dividend distribution. ERC-20 tokens can be produced by any decentralized application that also transacts on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing for fundraising, dividend distribution, loyalty point accumulation, and a plethora of other unique and inventive applications. Your application's tokenization. Ethereum 2.0 will be released soon, and it will address some of the present difficulties that prevent many users from developing and using Ethereum. Expect Ethereum's value to rise in tandem with its user acceptance and development. Google is even teaching Ethereum development at their training facilities, demonstrating that the internet's most powerful firm understands the value and potential of Ethereum and is on board with it.