- Two jars came in a cardboard box wrapped with packing tape, a minute after receiving I opened the box and found that one jar had leaked and soiled the second jar and the box inside. The point of issue refused to return, referring to the fact that I must issue a return, but for this I have to pick up the oil and store it somewhere until the program allows me to issue a return, which can take a long time. The point of issue refused to take the goods for temporary storage. Therefore, there is one rating for oil and one for the operation of the system as a whole.

Synthetic engine oil MOBIL 1 FS 0W-40, 4 l, 4 kg Review

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Description of Synthetic engine oil MOBIL 1 FS 0W-40, 4 l, 4 kg
- Delivery period.
- Inconsistency of goods in the order
- Excellent oil. Washes the motor well. The motor is quieter. Starts without problems in winter. Doesn't fade.
- Lots of fakes and expensive ones.
- The product box appears to be from Mobile, however a careful examination of all the barcodes and kinkcodes unequivocally reveals that it contains Vernel concentrated conditioner.
- The information obtained by scanning the codes that were located on the packaging.
- I have used this product for over 180 thousand runs without any issues whatsoever.
- Finding something that is truly unique can be rather challenging.
- High-tech oil with excellent performance and protection
- Without discounts, the price is too high, especially per liter.
- general synthetic viscosity that is resistant to heat and possesses excellent detergent properties in addition to overall high and stable characteristics. Does not leave a varnish on the components found on the inside of the engine. Checking the product's QR code provides protection against quality issues. The availability and cost of the market.
- Because Mobil lubricants are so widely used, there are a significant number of counterfeits currently available for purchase. I made a purchase of oils about a year ago; the quality assurance mechanism for the QR code does not function properly, thus it indicates that the oil may be a counterfeit when, in reality, it is authentic and of very high quality.
- Finally came up with some kind of online protection against fakes
- Kapets it's worth it now! Now what are we going to pour Lukoil ?
- good if not fake
- I froze the leftovers from the last replacement and this order the result is strange
- Excellent oil. Expensive compared to Shels, Zikis, Lukoils, but the quality of this oil is higher
- Everything is normal
- universal, not expensive, a product with balanced characteristics, widely represented on the market.
- Not identified.
- The price has gone down
- The quality has gotten worse